Tuesday 18 February 2014

System Center Service Manager - Here to stay!

When talking to customers over the last year or so, it's often been a pointed question that I get asked, "How serious are Microsoft about Service Manager?"

I can sometimes understand why I get asked this.  Since the initial 2012 release, Service Manager has seen relatively little in terms of new features and also very little in terms of performance and bugs fixes.

Well today, Microsoft (in a very pleasant transparent manner) have posted on their Service Manager Engineering blog a statement that shines light on the future approach for SCSM and helps show that Microsoft are not in anyway thinking about abandoning the pivotal component of the System Center stack.

You can read more here:

1 comment:

augustwalker said...

To fix hp 2130 troubleshooting printer, by switching it off and turning it on again. Keep the printer off until for few minutes to reboot bugs and issues properly.